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BA Bachelor of Arts graduation ceremony
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Ohroara is a supporter of Christian families who homeschool their children.  Children are a wonderful blessing!  How priviledged we are to have them in our lives and thus to be able to teach them!  Here are some reasons why.

Hi everyone :)


Why homeschool?  There are several cumulative reasons.


When I studied at university I had a lecturer who got us to look at a variety of things to do with education including the perceived and actual stats on home-education and it was found that, in general, homeschoolers did better academically, and they had better socialization skills because they mixed with more variety of children and adults. Although some people outside of homeschooling don't know this. (We looked at various papers on it including reports done by the Dept. of Ed.)


Then I was introduced to "An Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto and I also listened to a variety of politicians and was impressed by Ron Paul from the USA.


Then there are the bible verses that say we are to teach our children and it seems that years of government institutionalization is not the best in terms of educating (and other things) to fulfil that we ourselves teach our children.


Then there was looking into my son's eyes for the first time and knowing I was the best teacher for him for getting him grounded in God and for him to be able to thrive. I would learn what I had to, I would do what I had to, in order to give him the best that I could.


After years of homeschooling I would also add that homeschooling families (every single one I have met and got to know well) have all been closer-knit families than others and able to handle life better. The reason that the children do better academically I would say is because they are encouraged to pursue their skills (whatever they are) and can devote much more time to their skills. They don’t have to waste time with getting in line at school or stopping because the teacher wants to say something to another student, travel time is extinguished and you can add specific things into the curriculum for specific children (for example, if the child wants to pursue architecture from the age of 8, well then you can go for it). I note here, for those who are unaware, that homeschooling is different to distance education. For in homeschooling, I get to personally design a curriculum for each child’s gifting whereas in distance education there is little, if any, allowance for modification of a preset curriculum.


Also the children are happier I believe because the family is “together”. There is continual daily learning and acceptance. This continual day-by-day working together and learning together (though sometimes on individual projects according to each child and sometimes on group projects) causes significant stability for the child and the family in general.

In terms of finances, in my experience, all of the other homeschooling families that I know are doing well financially because the mother is happy and the children are happy and this alone seems to have a major impact on the health, happiness and success of the father. In these families the mother acts as the “teacher” in terms of the education department which means that for the school hours the mother teaches though of course the father has input into the children as well but normally outside of school hours. If you previously thought that homeschooling mums were lazy and caused the family to go into financial ruin: it is just not the case. Homeschooling mums tend to be very active types of people with creative problem-solving skills and a variety of leadership skills. Though I have heard of families sacrificing financially to get their children homeschooled, if such a sacrifice is needed, then the very act of giving towards their children’s future, if given over to God, will eventually result in a blessing so profound, you would never want it any other way. Remember that God is able to help you work out a way. This is what I have found true for Christian homeschooling families.


This is my belief, that in every way (though it may be hard at first) homeschooling is the very best start you can give your child to give them safety, security, learning, and a strong foundation and faith in God. Furthermore it produces a strong, friendly, loving family unit and the family is able to rely on and help each other and create things together (literally you could build houses together) and work towards common goals together. It also then, in turn, produces a happier mother because she is able to spend time developing a good relationship with her children which then produces a happier father because his wife and children are happy.


For those who cannot find a way to homeschool then, once again, give the problem over to God. It may be that you can give significant input into your child another way and then your input may be so profound that your child is then encouraged to homeschool his/her children (your grandchildren).


Why would I homeschool? That was a question I never had to ask myself though men and women have asked me so here are my answers. People’s circumstances can differ. Indeed, I myself was never homeschooled. Yet now I do homeschooling and may be now you could ask yourself a different question, like “how” and “when”. Maybe you feel inexperienced and wish to educate yourself first or maybe you are like some people who work hard to give the chance for their children to get educated (sending their kids to university) though they themselves miss out. In such instances remember that God does not want you to miss out on any good thing.


To summarize the homeschooling points:

1. Better academically and socially.

2. Children (and you) are able to see the world from outside of the institution (as outlined in "An Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto). Please read this book.

3. The bible says to teach your own children.

4. Increased faith and ability (in that you can and will be the best teacher for your child).

5. Closer-knit family.

6. Financial blessing that comes from having the mother stay at home for by giving you will receive. (Have faith that God can bless your finances.)

7. Happier father, mother and children.


I don’t always have the answers. I’m learning too. Is it hard? At times. But it is also easy―after you have put in the initial effort. Is it worth it?




Are you a homeschooling family already?


Good on you! God bless you! And God bless your children!


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Ohroara :)

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